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Davey's Spaces: My Miraculous Life and Times and the Enemy of All Mankind

My Miraculous Life and Times and the Enemy of All Mankind

My purpose is to alert all those who still breath to the fact that The LORD Yeshua, Jesus is alive and well and willing to forgive all  of your sins and transgressions if you will just BELIEVE by faith that He is the Son of GOD, the creator of the world. You must receive the forgiveness that He paid such a Great price for by being crucified, rising from the dead on the 3rd day and ascending back into Heaven to sit at the right hand of The Father GOD All-mighty. He paid the price and all you have to do is receive this wonderful FREE Gift
I will be writing about the miracles that He has performed in my own life through the indwelling Holy Spirit that He sent into the world to take His place on Earth and build His Church which is His Body of Believers. These are  those who have received that great gift of forgiveness through Faith in the Son of God who was born into this world of a virgin miraculously through the power of The Holy Spirit of God. It is by faith alone, not by any so-called good works that any sinful man can do, in and of himself for we are tarnished by the sin nature and it is not possible for us to do anything good in God's eyes until we are truly saved and then The  indwelling Holy Spirit enables us to do good works out of obedience to the leading of His Spirit. The book of James speaks to this issue of  "Works". We all need to understand that only God is "GOOD".

The Lord has also made marvelous promises to me personally and given to me a "Spiritual Gift" called "Discernment" which has been a very heavy burden to carry because it is very threatening to The Adversary (Satan) for GOD allows me to recognize those who are "Tares", false Christians as well as those who have sold their souls to this enemy. I have also found that it is quite often unwelcome to the casual Christian who may very well be a false Christian who has never truly humbled themselves, confessed their sins to the Lord and received the "New Birth".

I have been under "Satanic Attack" and involved in "Spiritual Warfare" for decades. You need to understand that if you endure faithfully as a true believer then you are a target and a threat to Satan so do not be surprised or perplexed when the enemy of all mankind starts to harass after you dedicate your lives to follow the leading of God's Spirit and you should expect it to happen if you are a true believer and obedient. I again warn you that if life is not offering you a truly perplexing amount of struggle than it is time to do a serious self examination.  If you are both in the world and not resisting all the sinful pleasures that this world offers then you have good reason to question whether you have the indwelling Holy Spirit, for God's Spirit will convict you of your sin. With all of this in mind then it will become easier to both recognize the battle and  attacks and stand your ground with the power of the Spirit and with your spiritual armor securely in place.

I hope to teach all of you who are interested in learning more about the "Spirit World", and there are  many who have been snared into believing a lie about false religions or have willingly become involved in the "Occult" which has many deceived by the errors that it contains. That road leads only to Eternal Destruction. My sister saw Satan appear right before my eyes when I was 18 and she still rejects the Bible which warns us about this terrible deceiver. She loves her sin and will not give up her hateful life.  This is a subject under construction so come back and I will try to have added to it. Please be patient.  

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