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Davey's Spaces: Another Soul Enters Eternity

Another Soul Enters Eternity

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I have felt unusually down-in-the-dumps lately and I have not understood why. Today, I went to a Super Store whose name I will leave unmentioned, and at the next check-out counter I recognized three women of whom two do not live in my neck-of- the-woods normally but I knew why they were in the area. The 90-year-old mother of the two sisters were in town because their mother had suffered  some Type of  heart attack. I had been in the dark except for a brief description about this woman being in the hospital. We finished checking-out at the same time and I was very anxious to ask about their mother. When I did, I was given the bad news that she had passed away yesterday.
I ate lunch with this woman in a semi-public facility a few times each week, and had done so for a few years. I had been very concerned about her because she had behaved in an unusual manner in previous months. Her attitude toward me had changed, even though I took very good care of her. I suspected that it had to do with the fact that I had on a few occasions mentioned that I was a Christian and had made brief comments to another person sitting with us, along those lines.  Even though these comments were made to other people seated with us, I suspected that it bothered her somehow. I believe that she was not "Saved"and she had developed hard feelings toward me, because of it, somehow. I am now convinced that The Holy Spirit had worked on her heart but she was resistant. I had waited for an opportunity to witness to her but she never joined the conversation when Christian related comments were made in her hearing. My heart has been very burdened because of her spiritual condition and somehow, The Holy Spirit was causing me to be troubled over her condition because her time was short!
This goes back to other posts that I have written about "Spiritual Gifting"and It was the gift of "Spiritual Discernment" that through God's Spirit, had troubled me for this past week or longer! Now she is Gone and I am convinced that she is not in a good place because of her stubbornness and now she will have to endure an eternity of punishment. I can not tell you how saddened I am over this situation and wish it had turned out differently.
If you have anyone close to you who you suspect that he or she is not saved then make every effort to talk to them, privately, if possible because you may not have another chance, which was the case in my life. It is too important to allow an opportunity to witness to pass by!

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